3 Easy Ways To Create Your Own Products

3 Easy Ways To Create Your Own Products

When it comes to making money online there is nothing MORE POWERFUL than owning your own product. 

When you have your own product you have several BIG advantages over even the best affiliate marketers. Here are the top three.

  1. You keep 100% of the sale price, which means you can afford better advertising sources.
  2. You can recruit affiliates to drive traffic for you and only pay them after a sale is made.
  3. You become an attractive Joint Venture partner since you now have a list of buyers, not just readers.

There are many more reasons why you want to have a product of your own. But those three alone should convince you of the money-making power behind being a product owner.

But creating products can be hard, right? There are SO many steps.

  • Have the idea.
  • Do the research.
  • Choose the format – written, live, video, membership, etc.
  • Determine the best price point.
  • Write a sales letter.
  • Find qualified prospects.
  • Buy advertising to drive traffic.
  • Create the product.
  • Put it online.
  • Keep it updated and current.
  • Provide customer support.
  • And even more!

How would you like to have a product of your own and be able to skip almost all of those painful steps?

Am I hearing a big amen? 🙂

Today I’d like to share with you THREE EASY WAYS to create your own products quickly and easily.

Let me say I’m sharing this from experience.

I have done all three of these methods, continue to do all three, and teach all three as well.

These methods work if you work them.
