Content Marketing 2020 – The Perfect Strategy

Content Marketing 2020 – The Perfect Strategy

It’s 2020, and unless you’re living under a rock, you know how crucial content marketing is for your brand. You already have the answer to ‘what is content marketing?’, what you need is a direction in framing your content marketing strategy from the ground-up specifically for your brand. Amidst the myriad choices of platforms, formats, and touch-points you have available, how do you zero down on a framework that’s custom-built from the ground up just for your brand?

On our first episode, Steve Dotto sits down with Andrew and Pete– the founders of a multi-award winning agency who’ve helped hundreds of businesses create share-worthy content that people love. Together, we unravel the mysteries of content marketing, so we can bring you actionable insights that you can implement for your brand in 2020!

The Plan Of Action

Step 1: What is the purpose of your content?

Step 2What will you create?

Step 3Which channels will you use?

Step 4How will you distribute your content? – The 50/50 rule

Step 5How much should you be spending on paid traffic?
