What Are the Most Important KPIs for Content Marketing?

What Are the Most Important KPIs for Content Marketing?

Here’s how to use KPIs to measure the success of your content marketing campaign and improve on it.

The big four online data storage and service businesses hold over 1,200 petabytes of data between them. This massive amount of data held by Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon excludes other large amounts of online data held by providers such as Dropbox and Academia.

Data, they say, is the new oil, so this is an exciting age for content marketers.

Marketers can access data points, and utilize them to enhance their brand awareness, connect with prospects and make more money. Through analytics, content marketers can guide leads through points of purchase and initiate better post-purchase engagement practices.

While accessibility to customer data has revolutionized content marketing, it has also given rise to analysis paralysis. Decision-making amongst marketers can become a challenge when apps give them too much analytics information.

Data analytics platforms can open up black holes that suck up your time and energy such that after hours of poring through numbers, you are left more confused than ever. Barry Schwartz, a psychologist, refers to this problem as a “Paradox of Choice.”

A variety of choices can achieve better results, but it can also increase indecision and dissatisfaction. You can combat analysis paralysis when analyzing content marketing data by separating the chaff from the grain.
